John Paul II: Blessed in the Sight of God?
By Richard Bennett
John Paul II is to be beatified by Benedict XVI on May 1, 2011. It will be “an historic event which has no precedent,” said the director of the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. The “Decree for John Paul II’s Beatification” states, “The proclamation of a Saint or of a Blessed by the Church is the fruit of putting together various aspects regarding a specific Person…. the sine qua non condition is the holiness of the person’s life, verified during the precise and formal canonical proceedings.” The communiqué announcing the beatification referred to “the great fame of sanctity which Pope John Paul II enjoyed during his life, in his death and after his death.”
Indeed, there is a great general admiration for the life and achievements of John Paul II. In terms of worldly acclaim, it is hard to find an equal to him in recent history. The Catholic world will soon officially proclaim him blessed and many others will agree. But are they right? Is John Paul II blessed in the sight of God? Is the alleged sanctity or holiness which is claimed for John Paul II in line with what the Scripture teaches?
Objective measure for John Paul II’s sanctity
The Lord underscored scriptural truth as the foundation of sanctity. He declared, “if a man love me, he will keep my word.” Consequently, it is the responsibility of the one who claims to be Christ’s disciple to keep His Word. In fact, the authentic mark of sanctity is total esteem for His Word. As the Lord describes it, “to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.”
Did John Paul II have an absolute respect for Scripture? No, it was the exact opposite. In his role as Pope, he published the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the first universal catechism of the Catholic Church in several centuries. In it he decreed the following,
“As a result the [Catholic] Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, ‘does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence.’”
This teaching of John Paul II equates Scripture with tradition. Christ Jesus continually rebuked the Pharisees because they likewise placed their tradition on a par with Scripture. Christ con-demned them because they were attempting to corrupt the very basis of truth by equating their traditions with the Scripture. John Paul II has committed the same error; thus he falls under the same condemnation. The Lord Jesus Christ clearly showed that God’s written word alone is the sole basis of truth. He proclaimed, “sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” This is why He commands nothing to be added to it nor subtracted from it. Consequently the Holy Scripture alone is the believer’s standard of truth. John Paul II attempted to corrupt this absolute basis of truth set by God alone; therefore, he is to be reckoned as a false teacher.
Reaping from his Corrupted Foundation
From John Paul II’s corrupted foundation, it was possible as Pope to esteem himself gifted with the divine attribute of infallibility. Thus he stated publicly,
“The Supreme Pontiff, in virtue of his office, possesses infallible teaching authority when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful...he proclaims with a definitive act that a doc-trine of faith or morals is to be held as such.”
His claim to “infallible teaching authority,” a divine attribute, proves absolutely that he falls under the category of false teacher. It also implies he saw himself as divinely inspired. In addition to this dreadful arrogance, he also proclaimed in his Catechism, “The Pope enjoys, by divine insti-tution, ‘supreme, full, immediate, and universal power in the care of souls.’” In that assertion, he has arrogated to himself the power given to the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Thus he has demon-strated actively that from his corrupted foundation, he was not only hopelessly deceived but he also propagated these deceptions world wide. Therefore, his own claims show that he did not possess any sanctity before the All Holy God; but his Catechism shows that he did possess a ter-rible pride.
Nonetheless, the Catholic world desires to show him religious veneration, or worship. Once he is beatified, John Paul will be given the title ‘blessed’ and can be publicly venerated. Many peo-ple, especially in Poland, already venerate him privately, but the ceremony will make it official. Yes, many people will willingly “venerate” or worship John Paul II, as they have been taught is morally right to do once it has been made official by the Papacy.
Ancient sin encouraged
This latest entry point into necromancy simply ensures that the deceptions John Paul II taught will continue to bear much evil fruit. In fact, officially, in his Catechism he encouraged mankind to contact the dead. He publicly taught, “Communion with the dead...Our prayer for them is ca-pable not only of helping ‘them, but also of making their intercession for us effective.’” “We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world.”
Supposed communion with the dead and deification of the dead has held a prominent place in nearly every system of paganism. The dead are consulted to give help to the living, which is the alluring charm of the occult. The practice of communicating with the spirits of the departed is sinful, since the Word of the Lord forbids it: “there shall not be found among you any one...that useth divination…or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer, [one who calls up the dead].” John Paul II’s teaching on communion with the dead is quite similar to what one finds in the pages of the occult. The Lord Jesus Christ com-manded worship in prayer to God alone, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” He gave the indispensable command that communication in worship is due to God alone and must not be given to any creature. “I am the LORD thy God…Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
It was not simply that John Paul II recognized and approved of “communion with the dead.” He created more and more personages to be contacted, and did it with great speed. One news service expressed it in the following words, “John Paul II has created more saints and be-atified more people than all the popes put together. He has so far named 477 men and women as saints, and beatified 1,318 others, as it were, putting them into orbit for final elevation to the heavenly pantheon of Christian saints.”
Exchange of merit between believer and dead “saint”
During his lifetime, John Paul II continued his teaching regarding the dead by declaring that there is an interchange of holiness in expiation of sin, shared even with the dead in purgatory. In his Catechism, he officially stated,
“In the communion of saints, ‘a perennial link of charity exists between the faithful who have already reached their heavenly home, those who are expiating their sins in purgatory and those who are still pilgrims on earth. Between them there is, too, an abundant exchange of all good things.’ In this wonderful exchange, the holiness of one profits others, well beyond the harm that the sin of one could cause others.”
Again, John Paul II has revealed that he was not blessed; rather, he officially taught damnable heresy. Factually, an abundant exchange of all good things in Scripture is in Christ alone, “in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” To assign Christ’s role to humans, including the dead ones, is a serious contradic-tion of God’s truth. God’s righteousness, which is credited to the believer at Christ’s expense, fills the believer again and again with awe, worship, and praise to the Holy God, Who Himself has provided the permanent finished work of justification for sin. To purport an imputation of righteousness outside of Him is preposterous in face of biblical truth. Jesus Himself said, “Truly truly, I say unto you, He that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”
The assertion of an exchange of merit between the believer and dead “saints” was egre-gious effrontery against the biblical truth that God alone justifies the sinner. John Paul II simply enlarged greatly the list of officially acceptable Catholic idols. In giving glory, honor, and com-munion in prayer, which is due to God alone, to the spirits of departed humans, the Pope fla-grantly sinned against the Lord God and His first Commandment. That prohibition includes an acknowledgement that He alone is God and therefore in prayer we worship Him alone. It sets our affections entirely upon Him alone.
John Paul II, who practiced and warmly encouraged idolatry, will soon have been given his place officially among the Catholic idols. The Papacy turns a blind eye to the fact that terrible, immutable judgment awaits each and every person who dies embracing such forbidden practices. For Bible believers, this sobering consideration ought to turn the official declaration to be held on May 1st into a day of mourning. It is our prayer to God alone that those still trapped by or being enticed into these destructive pagan practices might be turned to Christ Jesus through the proclamation of the true Gospel.
(Continued tomorrow)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Is Christ Alone Enough? #2
(Just a note from Jim: Miles McKee is a reformed evangelist who is currently working in his home country of Ireland. It's a pleasure to feature his writings on the gospel which is so very practical and applicable to our daily lives. He first updates us on his ministry--below--before continuing his important reminders on the gospel. Miles helps us see why the gospel truly is "good news.")
The work in Ireland is growing. We are very encouraged to see the gracious progress of the gospel. However, we are somewhat concerned in that a number of our supporters have faded away. At the same time, everything seems to have gone up in price here and the dollar is buying less. Petrol (gas) is equivalent more than $10 a gallon (or so I’m told). For this last three months right about this time, even with strict budgeting, our support money runs out at this time of the month. Please pray for us that the Lord will add some new supply for this work here. We urgently need help so that we can preach Christ crucified here.
The Wednesday Word: Is Christ Alone Enough? #2 by Miles McKee
Let me ask you a question. Are you more conscious of your sins than you are of the fact that they have already been paid for and taken away? If this is the way you think you still believe that Christ‘s work is not enough for you. As gospel driven believers, however, we need to concentrate, not on our sins, but on the fact that Jesus has paid for them. The Lamb of God has taken them all away (Jn 1:29)! The past cannot make us prisoners. Our focus is now centered on Him, the Lord Christ. It is because of His doing and dying alone that we are forgiven, accepted and redeemed! And when He purged our sins He really purged them---they and their memory are gone.
But there’s even more on which we can center our attention! Not only has Jesus taken away our sins, He has also brought us to God (1 Peter 3:18)! This is good news for we could never have found our way there in the first place. But Jesus, by His person and performance has already brought us to Him.
The good news is that, there’s even more good news. For example, He, as our Great High Priest, is at this precise moment exercising His ministry for our benefit! As our penal substitute He bought us for God and as our High Priest He brings us to God. By the ministry of His priesthood He now sustains, keeps, maintains and protects every one of His blood bought people.
Our High Priest has now given us free and open access to the Father. Someone asks, “Exactly how near has He actually brought us to the Father?” The Hymn writer answers that question when He says,
“So near so very near to God,I nearer cannot be, For in the person of His Son, I am as near as He.”
We are brought to God “in Christ”. Indeed, there is no possibility of standing before God other than by standing in Christ. That’s why Peter tells us, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God" (1 Pet. 3:18).
You don’t have to feel that, just believe it. We are a redeemed people whom He has purchased for Himself so that we would be with Him forever. Jesus promised us, "that where I am, there ye may be also"(John 14:3). We, therefore, will lose this nearness to God only when Christ loses His ----and that will never happen---for He is God manifest in the flesh. We may fail, fall and flat out sin---we say this to our shame, but our High Priest retains our nearness to God! Although, the religious, self-righteous man rejects this statement, the truth remains that access to God is not founded upon any religious system based upon our performance. Our nearness to God is based on Christ and His finished performance alone.
The Father values the finished work and person of His Son and our salvation rests on the fact that God sees Him and is satisfied. It is impossible that God will ever reject the sacrifice and person of His precious Son. The Father, on the basis of Christ alone, has legally declared us both not guilty and reconciled. As repentant blood bought believers we can move past the domination of our failures because Christ alone is enough.
And that’s the Gospel Truth
Miles McKee Ministries
Please pray for us as we continue in a severe war here! The town of New Ross has been a grave yard for preachers over the years. There is strong spiritual opposition to us here. We are keenly aware that the powers of darkness hate the gospel and are trying to block it at every turn. We are also keenly aware that Christ is the Victor.
Let me encourage you to forward the Wednesday Word to friends and family.
As we church plant here in the Republic of Ireland, we are funded by faith in Christ Jesus. If the Lord lays us on your heart to partner with us, please send your support to
In the USA
Miles McKee Ministries
PO Box 353
Ponte Vedra Beach
Florida 32004-0353
In Europe
46 Dunbrody Wharf,
New Ross,
County Wexford,
The work in Ireland is growing. We are very encouraged to see the gracious progress of the gospel. However, we are somewhat concerned in that a number of our supporters have faded away. At the same time, everything seems to have gone up in price here and the dollar is buying less. Petrol (gas) is equivalent more than $10 a gallon (or so I’m told). For this last three months right about this time, even with strict budgeting, our support money runs out at this time of the month. Please pray for us that the Lord will add some new supply for this work here. We urgently need help so that we can preach Christ crucified here.
The Wednesday Word: Is Christ Alone Enough? #2 by Miles McKee
Let me ask you a question. Are you more conscious of your sins than you are of the fact that they have already been paid for and taken away? If this is the way you think you still believe that Christ‘s work is not enough for you. As gospel driven believers, however, we need to concentrate, not on our sins, but on the fact that Jesus has paid for them. The Lamb of God has taken them all away (Jn 1:29)! The past cannot make us prisoners. Our focus is now centered on Him, the Lord Christ. It is because of His doing and dying alone that we are forgiven, accepted and redeemed! And when He purged our sins He really purged them---they and their memory are gone.
But there’s even more on which we can center our attention! Not only has Jesus taken away our sins, He has also brought us to God (1 Peter 3:18)! This is good news for we could never have found our way there in the first place. But Jesus, by His person and performance has already brought us to Him.
The good news is that, there’s even more good news. For example, He, as our Great High Priest, is at this precise moment exercising His ministry for our benefit! As our penal substitute He bought us for God and as our High Priest He brings us to God. By the ministry of His priesthood He now sustains, keeps, maintains and protects every one of His blood bought people.
Our High Priest has now given us free and open access to the Father. Someone asks, “Exactly how near has He actually brought us to the Father?” The Hymn writer answers that question when He says,
“So near so very near to God,I nearer cannot be, For in the person of His Son, I am as near as He.”
We are brought to God “in Christ”. Indeed, there is no possibility of standing before God other than by standing in Christ. That’s why Peter tells us, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God" (1 Pet. 3:18).
You don’t have to feel that, just believe it. We are a redeemed people whom He has purchased for Himself so that we would be with Him forever. Jesus promised us, "that where I am, there ye may be also"(John 14:3). We, therefore, will lose this nearness to God only when Christ loses His ----and that will never happen---for He is God manifest in the flesh. We may fail, fall and flat out sin---we say this to our shame, but our High Priest retains our nearness to God! Although, the religious, self-righteous man rejects this statement, the truth remains that access to God is not founded upon any religious system based upon our performance. Our nearness to God is based on Christ and His finished performance alone.
The Father values the finished work and person of His Son and our salvation rests on the fact that God sees Him and is satisfied. It is impossible that God will ever reject the sacrifice and person of His precious Son. The Father, on the basis of Christ alone, has legally declared us both not guilty and reconciled. As repentant blood bought believers we can move past the domination of our failures because Christ alone is enough.
And that’s the Gospel Truth
Miles McKee Ministries
Please pray for us as we continue in a severe war here! The town of New Ross has been a grave yard for preachers over the years. There is strong spiritual opposition to us here. We are keenly aware that the powers of darkness hate the gospel and are trying to block it at every turn. We are also keenly aware that Christ is the Victor.
Let me encourage you to forward the Wednesday Word to friends and family.
As we church plant here in the Republic of Ireland, we are funded by faith in Christ Jesus. If the Lord lays us on your heart to partner with us, please send your support to
In the USA
Miles McKee Ministries
PO Box 353
Ponte Vedra Beach
Florida 32004-0353
In Europe
46 Dunbrody Wharf,
New Ross,
County Wexford,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Miles McKee tells us that Christ alone has saved us--and not our faith. Amen.
The Wednesday Word: Is Christ Alone Enough? #1
OK, we’ve said it before, but it needs to be said time and time again, faith does not actually save, it is the object of our faith Who saves us. Our act of faith, no matter how sincere, is nothing apart from its resting place---the crucified and risen Christ . Our peace and rest cannot come from any performance or spiritual discipline (Eph 2:8-9). But deary me, we know the theory of this truth yet it doesn’t often translate into real life. It seems that we have an unceasing ability to add things to the finished work of the gospel.
To grow in the enjoyment of gospel peace we need to focus much less on our faith, repentance and prayers etc, and instead look on Him, the Lord Christ (John 3:14-15; Num 21:6-9). It is in Him that salvation lies. It is in Him and His accomplishments that we find our resting place. Looking at our faith, on the other hand, is a disastrous exercise for it ministers either to our self-righteousness (if we are satisfied with our faith) or to our sense of despair (if we are not)!
If, however, we feel that we must measure the quality and quantity of our faith, before we can rest in Christ's work, then we have, without knowing it, concluded that the work of Christ is insufficient.
Someone asks, “Do you mean that our acceptance with God comes about without any sanctification in us?” Great question! Here’s the answer: ----although we do not deny that the believer grows in grace and in the knowledge of God and will be careful to maintain good works, our acceptance with the Father is not based on any work performed within us or by us. In Christ we are already fully sanctified by the will of God for we read, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all--------For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Heb. 10:10, 14).
Our sins were purged and put away 2000 years ago (Heb. 1:3; 9:26). Eternal redemption was obtained for us 2000 years ago (Heb. 9:12). We can’t improve on that---and better yet all this has been done according to the good pleasure of the will of God, to the praise of the glory of His grace (Eph. 1:5-8). It is God's pleasure to have a people cleansed of all sin who, in the name of Jesus, can approach Him without the slightest hesitation or doubt. The Father now sees us and welcomes us, not because of our appreciation of Christ, but because of His. He alone estimates the true value and power of the blood of the one perfect offering of Christ.
We must, therefore, learn to cease from all self-righteous attempts to perform any act, or do anything whatever, in order to maintain His acceptance and favour (Rom 4:4-5). May we always see that the one great work of the Son of God done upon the cross is sufficient (2 Cor 3:5).
As soon as the Holy Spirit shows us the entire sufficiency of the great wrath offering made for sinners (John 19:30), we will cease our attempts to act or work to gain the Father’s acceptance. Instead of trying to perform, we will receive, by faith, that which Christ has done on our behalf. The Holy Spirit neither enables us to do something which saves us nor contributes to our salvation by some deep mysterious work within; on the contrary, His work is to detach us from our own effort and performance. The Spirit will lead us to be entirely satisfied with the salvation that the Saviour has already accomplished and finished.
And that’s the Gospel Truth
Miles McKee Ministries
Please pray for us as we are in a severe war here! The town of New Ross has been a grave yard for preachers over the years. There is strong spiritual opposition to us here. We are keenly aware that the powers of darkness hate the gospel and are trying to block it at every turn.
Let me encourage you to forward the Wednesday Word to friends and family.
As we church plant here in the Republic of Ireland, we are funded by faith in Christ Jesus. If the Lord lays us on your heart to partner with us, please send your support to
In the USA
Miles McKee Ministries
PO Box 353
Ponte Vedra Beach
Florida 32004-0353
In Europe
46 Dunbrody Wharf,
New Ross,
County Wexford,
Pay Pal is also an excellent option for making donations. It’s easy to follow the donation link from our home page at
OK, we’ve said it before, but it needs to be said time and time again, faith does not actually save, it is the object of our faith Who saves us. Our act of faith, no matter how sincere, is nothing apart from its resting place---the crucified and risen Christ . Our peace and rest cannot come from any performance or spiritual discipline (Eph 2:8-9). But deary me, we know the theory of this truth yet it doesn’t often translate into real life. It seems that we have an unceasing ability to add things to the finished work of the gospel.
To grow in the enjoyment of gospel peace we need to focus much less on our faith, repentance and prayers etc, and instead look on Him, the Lord Christ (John 3:14-15; Num 21:6-9). It is in Him that salvation lies. It is in Him and His accomplishments that we find our resting place. Looking at our faith, on the other hand, is a disastrous exercise for it ministers either to our self-righteousness (if we are satisfied with our faith) or to our sense of despair (if we are not)!
If, however, we feel that we must measure the quality and quantity of our faith, before we can rest in Christ's work, then we have, without knowing it, concluded that the work of Christ is insufficient.
Someone asks, “Do you mean that our acceptance with God comes about without any sanctification in us?” Great question! Here’s the answer: ----although we do not deny that the believer grows in grace and in the knowledge of God and will be careful to maintain good works, our acceptance with the Father is not based on any work performed within us or by us. In Christ we are already fully sanctified by the will of God for we read, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all--------For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Heb. 10:10, 14).
Our sins were purged and put away 2000 years ago (Heb. 1:3; 9:26). Eternal redemption was obtained for us 2000 years ago (Heb. 9:12). We can’t improve on that---and better yet all this has been done according to the good pleasure of the will of God, to the praise of the glory of His grace (Eph. 1:5-8). It is God's pleasure to have a people cleansed of all sin who, in the name of Jesus, can approach Him without the slightest hesitation or doubt. The Father now sees us and welcomes us, not because of our appreciation of Christ, but because of His. He alone estimates the true value and power of the blood of the one perfect offering of Christ.
We must, therefore, learn to cease from all self-righteous attempts to perform any act, or do anything whatever, in order to maintain His acceptance and favour (Rom 4:4-5). May we always see that the one great work of the Son of God done upon the cross is sufficient (2 Cor 3:5).
As soon as the Holy Spirit shows us the entire sufficiency of the great wrath offering made for sinners (John 19:30), we will cease our attempts to act or work to gain the Father’s acceptance. Instead of trying to perform, we will receive, by faith, that which Christ has done on our behalf. The Holy Spirit neither enables us to do something which saves us nor contributes to our salvation by some deep mysterious work within; on the contrary, His work is to detach us from our own effort and performance. The Spirit will lead us to be entirely satisfied with the salvation that the Saviour has already accomplished and finished.
And that’s the Gospel Truth
Miles McKee Ministries
Please pray for us as we are in a severe war here! The town of New Ross has been a grave yard for preachers over the years. There is strong spiritual opposition to us here. We are keenly aware that the powers of darkness hate the gospel and are trying to block it at every turn.
Let me encourage you to forward the Wednesday Word to friends and family.
As we church plant here in the Republic of Ireland, we are funded by faith in Christ Jesus. If the Lord lays us on your heart to partner with us, please send your support to
In the USA
Miles McKee Ministries
PO Box 353
Ponte Vedra Beach
Florida 32004-0353
In Europe
46 Dunbrody Wharf,
New Ross,
County Wexford,
Pay Pal is also an excellent option for making donations. It’s easy to follow the donation link from our home page at
Christ alone,
finished work,
Miles McKee,
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